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Blog provides my perspective and experiences regarding my participation in Computing for Business - ISM3004 - UF 2012.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Social Media Project: The Wally-World at Wiki Example

Screen Shot: http://www.facebook.com/walmart - 04/17/2012, Hawiane Tidwell.
Wal-Mart by Group#8 
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about peer production, Web 2.0, and on a much broader scale - the pros and cons of social media and social media networks.  Our social media project was a group project which I will admit to dreading.  Not because I thought the assignment itself would be difficult but because sometimes working in groups with people you've never met and have no ties/connection to, can be very, very difficult.  Well, I am relieved to say that I worried in vain.  Group#8 was awesome, we worked really well together, we divided and conquered the assignment and we finished early!  Below I will share details about the assignment and more about the collaborative experience. 

Screen Shot: http://ism3004socialmedia.wikispaces.com/Wal-Mart - 04/19/2012, Hawiane Tidwell. 
The assignment: we were tasked with choosing a company to 1) research its social media activities, 2) create a group report with our findings, and 3) share the report with the other groups by creating a wiki for the company and adding the report information to the wikipage. 

Coming together as a group was a little rocky in the beginning - everyone was trying to figure out which team they were assigned to, find out the best way(s) to communicate and who was doing what as far as the specifics of the project.  One thing that I did find remarkable about this phase was the fact that right from the very beginning 86% of us were on the same page in that we all wanted to complete the project as soon as possible so we could focus on finals. 

We spent the most time selecting a company. Several companies were nominated; we narrowed our choices down to three (3) companies - Facebook, Wal-Mart, and Google. And I'm sure you know by now, we chose Wal-Mart. Once we chose the company, the rest of the project just flowed. 
Screen Shot: http://www.walmart.com/ - 04/16/2012, Hawiane Tidwell.

We used the divide and conquer mode of attack to get as much done as quickly as possible - there were eleven (11) tasks that were assigned to individuals (I was responsible for our wiki and I helped keep our efforts organized and on schedule).  Also there were three (3) tasks that were assigned to the group as a whole for collaboration.  We mostly used the discussion board in Sakai, email, text messages, phone and Google+ to communicate.    

About Wikispaces - I think this is a very useful tool in that it does make collaboration possible in situations where getting together physically is just not a viable option and the learning curve was as low as you can get - it was very easy to use and to navigate.  However, I did find it to be somewhat antiquated and very laborious as you can only "copy and paste" text.   You cannot "copy and paste" images, docs, etc.  So anything you wanted to embed in your page other than text had to be first uploaded to the site folder and then inserted into your page.  This really sucked up an enormous amount of time as our page has 40+ screen shots. 

About the company - Wal-Mart has some pretty interesting, engaging customers who use social media extensively.  Although Wal-Mart has a strong presence on some of the more popular sites like Facebook and Twitter, there is no official presence, nor published guidelines for monitoring content referencing the store or engaging customers that use some of the other social media outlets like Instagram.  Here's a link to our wiki:  http://ism3004socialmedia.wikispaces.com/Wal-Mart 

Screen Shot: http://ism3004socialmedia.wikispaces.com/Wal-Mart - 04/19/2012, Hawiane Tidwell.

And speaking of Instagram, I will make this final comment - Attention: Wally-World Shopper's beware, someone in isle 9 just might be taking your picture...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Week 13: Clear - "Keystrokes Are Giving the Pen a Run for Its Money"

Social Media Is Here To Stay...
As I mentioned in a previous post, for years I had resisted partaking in the obvious and inevitable integration of Social Media (SM) into the fabric of my daily life.  Until August of last year I had successfully avoided social media and networking like they were a plague.    At that time for the most part I was a Web 1.0 person, my only indulgence in the Web 2.0 world was Skype which I had begun using four years prior in 2007.   This might prompt you to ask how/why would such a Web 2.0 illiterate be a Skype user.  Well, it was out of necessity, my son was in an exchange student program in South Korea and Skype was the least expensive (free) way I could not only talk to him but most importantly see his face (priceless) - but that was the extent of my indulgences and experience with Web 2.0 tools.  Here's a list of Web 1.0 and 2.0 offerings: 

Web 1.0
Web 2.0
domain name speculation
search engine optimization, fans, and followers
page views
cost per click
screen scraping
Web services
content management systems
directories (taxonomy)
tagging (“folksonomy”)
Britannica Online
personal Web sites
blogging, status updates, and link sharing
Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter
instant messaging
Twitter and Facebook
 Gallaugher. Information Systems, Chapter 7, Table 7.1  Web 1.0 versus Web 2.0*

However, as the result of a class I took, Summer 2011, I first got my toes wet at several of the major sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, and Google. Yes, as I said before, I am ashamed to say, I did go kicking and screaming but after a couple of weeks in that class I began to see the power and the value of SM.   I was amazed at how much easier it was to stay connected and I was surprised when I realized how businesses were also utilizing these Web 2.0 tools for their advantage. 

In UF's ISM 3004 - Computing for the Business Environment, I have learned even more as I've delved into the deep of blogs, Google+ and other Web 2.0 methods of communication.  I've come to realize that blogging can give anyone a very real and powerful voice and presence in our society. Many businesses have wised up to this fact and not only do they blog - they also constantly monitor electronic media to ensure that there isn't "anything out there in cyberspace" that could jeopardize their reputation. The old quote, "The pen is mightier than the sword", can certainly move over and make room for "Keystrokes are giving the pen a run for its money". 

Today many businesses also realize that SM should be a vital part of their strategy for marketing as SM can be used as one-way and/or two-way communication and marketing tactics which allows companies to send a highly targeted message to a large number of potential customers. And do it very quickly and at costs extremely lower than traditional advertising. 

Successful companies are those companies that proactively embrace "Our Forever Connected World". They become a part of the social media community by creating Blogs or Twitter feeds or establishing pages on social networking sites like Facebook, etc. This helps to set them up to successfully achieve their goal of gaining a sustainable competitive advantage. This is just another of the many reasons why SM is so vital and necessary to businesses. For more information and/or to see real-life examples, check out these sites on the Web:

Just these few reasons I have touched on in this blog post is assurance to me that our society has no intentions of letting Social Media go - it's here to stay...

*Wrtten consent for reuse with attribution granted in front cover of textbook.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Week 12: Clear - Big Brother Isn't the Only One Listening & Watching

Be Careful Little Children What You Say and Do... 

Telecommunication, as defined by Dr. Means:
  1. electronic communication: the science and technology of transmitting information electronically by wires or radio signals with integrated encoding and decoding equipment 
  2. information transmission over communications lines
The power and convenience afforded by telecommunications, coupled with the power and convenience afforded by the Internet, has already radically changed our world - and shockingly enough, it's not over yet.  There are still things to come that exceed the capacity of my limited understanding of the subjects. 

 With telecommunication and internet (TAI) usage growing exponentially every day, the number of questions regarding societal issues associated with using TAI has also increased.  These issues include but are not limited to privacy rights, security, net neutrality, unproductive time online (gaming,  Facebook, etc.).  The jury is still out on these issues so it's really too early to tell the final outcome.  However, we should remain vigilant and keep an active watch and voice regarding anything that could strip our privacy, security, etc. away from us. 

This is why it is so important that we remember that anything we say and do online, could ultimately be seen and heard by others.  Electronic media is not just monitored - every second of every minute of every hour of everyday of every week of every month of every year - information is being collected (24/7 - 365) by sources we don't even think about and servers and search engines are the biggest culprits. 

by fensterbme 
Why should you care you might ask.  Well, this means that even though you may delete something off your page, blog, etc., unless you have the ability to delete it off every server, search engine, index, personal computer, thumb-drive, CD, etc. that saved a copy of the information - it could still come back to haunt you.  We have no way of knowing who is collecting our information or how it might be utilized in the future. 

For me, this has always been "A LITTLE TOO SCARY!!!  So I have always been conscious of my on-line reputation and I'd like to share some good advice that's lasted me for a life-time and is still very relevant today:
  • And not quite as many moons ago but still a very long time, from a UF Trainer.  As I was a UF employee and I was required to attend a training/in-service regarding business communications and although I do not remember anything personal (height, weight, sex, race, etc.) about the instructor, I do remember the main point of the session and I have made it a matter of practice and I know it still applies today, perhaps even more when you think about the craziness on some of the popular sites, "IF YOU WOULD NOT WANT IT READ ALOUD AND DISCUSSED IN COURT - DO NOT PUT IT OUT THERE..."   
Telecommunications and the Internet is here to stay because responsible use adds value to our lives and increases productivity, etc. but I think it would be a nicer experience for us all if everyone would just choose to use a little restraint and discipline...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week 11: Clear - Solutions to Some of the Problems in Paradise

Data Asset - Data and Information

Every business today faces the expense and other issues associated with analyzing information and  collecting, storing, and retrieving data.  As a result of incompatible systems, transaction processing systems and live operational data, even the information itself possess problems for every business, website, call center, etc. 

This week's material discussed solutions used to handle the issues mentioned above:
Gallaugher.  Information Systems, Chapter 11, Figure 11.2*
  1. Data Warehouse - a set of databases designed to support decision making in organizations as it stores current and historical data. 
  2. Data Mart - a single database or databases focused solely on addressing the concerns of a specific problem, question or business unit. 
  3. Data Mining - using computers to identify hidden patterns in, and to build models from, large data sets.  To use this process to look for trends and patterns the data must be accurate, organized and consistent. 
  4. Business Intelligence (BI) - combining data exploration, ad hoc queries, aspects of reporting and sophisticated data modeling and analysis.  As a result, users have access to various reports:
Gallaugher. Information Systems, Chapter 11, Figure 11.3*
  • Reports are no longer just "canned" - easy to use and all parameters are predetermined by the programmers, but users have access to 
  •  "ad hoc" reports - puts users in control as users create their own reports as needed.  This type of report is harder to use as knowledge of the system and the information is necessary. 
  • "Dashboards" - another BI tool, gives an at-a-glance view of critical indicators that allow managers to get graphical performance metrics more quickly. 
  • "OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)" - this is one of the most valuable BI tools and is a method of querying and reporting that takes data from standard relational databases, calculates and summarizes it and then stores it in a special database called a data cube (a special database used to store data in OLAP reporting).  
Data and Information are mong the most valuable assests available and there will always be the need for solutions to store and handle it properly.  Without data and information, businesses cannot make the proper analysis necessary to forecast and prepare for future trends and patterns.  

Turning data into useful information which can be used to answer questions, to solve problems and to help reveal innovative ways firms can improve, is the key benefit.  This benefit is the reason firms are willing to weather the storm to continue the quest for more effective and cost efficient solutions.

*Wrtten consent for reused with attribution granted in front cover of textbook.