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Blog provides my perspective and experiences regarding my participation in Computing for Business - ISM3004 - UF 2012.

Showing posts with label ism3004. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ism3004. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 3: Clear - Networks and the Internet

APs to Wireless - All I Needed to Know:

This week has been really interesting.  In a few short days, I have learned more about networks and accessing the Internet than I've ever known.  Should I ever be responsible for overseeing the design and implementation of an enterprise network - thanks to ISM3004 - I will be ready! 

One thing clear to me is that there is no way around networks and the Internet, they are an ever present fact and necessity in the world we live in today.  There's no sign of this changing as our dependence on them is continuing to increase as a result of the increased use of the Internet - not just by businesses - but also by private individuals like you and me.
*Image by Timothy Downs. Written Permission granted for reused with attribution.

Ever improving advancements in technology not only produces better equipment and lowers its cost but also makes the process of setting up a network and using the Internet more accessible to everyone.  I do all my banking, stream Netflix, Hulu and other services, take on-line classes, and much more - all on-line via my home VPN (Virtual Private Network).  My VPN consists of a DSL modem, Linksys Wireless router, 802.11g All-in-One (printer, fax and copier), laptop and a desktop replacement.  I really can not imagine what it would be like without my direct access to the "CLOUD"... 

To ease any concerns regarding security, I utilize WPA2 Encryption. Doing all I can do to maintain the integrity of my VPN is also the reason why I chose DSL over cable.   I just wasn't comfortable with the idea of my Internet activity being sent to everyone on the Internet Service Provider's network.  The thought of leaving it to the cable modem to handle (deliver or discard) the information correctly & without failures would be just one more thing to worry about for me.

Permission granted for reuse with Wikimedia Commons. 

Your needs, preferences, and price-point may lead or have already led you to setup your home or small office network utilizing equipment and/or services that are very different than those I have chosen to use for mine - in most cases you will find this to be true as no two (2) networks will be exactly the same.  They are designed to cater to individual needs.  Happy surfing!!                   
*Image by Timothy Downs. Written Permission granted for reused with attribution.

*Timothy Downs  written consent for reused by Hawiane Tidwell with attribution:

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Extra Credit: Avatar

Creating an Avatar

Today, I was thinking about how hectic things get as the end of the semester gets closer.  So after completing the assignments for week 1, I decided I should do myself a favor and get at least one Extra Credit Item (ECI) out of the way.  Yep!  You guessed it!  I chose to create an Avatar.  I started this adventure with lots of apprehension but I can honestly say it was all for nothing.   Of the seven (7) sites provided, I utilized two (2) and I will share my experience below.  And just so you know, I created all the images without divulging my personal information and they were all done for FREE: 

Portrait Illustration Maker was the first site I visited.  It was really easy to use but not quite the experience that I expected as I wasn't able to accomplish the look that I was after.  That being said, I was still able to create several Avatars - which I will share with you momentarily.  Let me first take a moment to tell you how you can get your image(s) on your computer once created. 

You can do this via one of two ways - they are both super easy so it doesn't matter which one you choose.  When you are ready to save your Avatar(s) you can right-click on the image; select "save Picture as"; and then choose where you want to store it; give it a name and press save.  Viola!  You are done!!  OR you can press "download" and when the box pops up choose "save"; and then choose where you want to store it; give it a name and press save.  Again, so simple - that's it - you are done!! 

OK.  I know you have just been bubbling with anticipation for the moment I reveal my Avatars.  Keep in mind that I told you I couldn't get them exactly like I wanted them but anyone who knows me will know I tired.  I think the site targets Chinese/Japanese and this was probably the reason I couldn't.  So anyway here they are in all their awkward splendor - it was still a lot of fun and the site was very user-friendly:   

Hawiane #1
"Image created by Hawiane Tidwell, 2012.
Permission granted to reuse with attribution."

Hawiane #2
"Image created by Hawiane Tidwell, 2012.
Permission granted to reuse with attribution."

Hawiane #5
"Image created by Hawiane Tidwell, 2012.
Permission granted to reuse with attribution."

Hawiane #3
"Image created by Hawiane Tidwell, 2012.
Permission granted to reuse with attribution."
Hawiane #4
"Image created by Hawiane Tidwell, 2012.
Permission granted to reuse with attribution."

Face Your Manga was the second site I visited and I downloaded the myWebFace application to my computer.  To save an image(s), once you have it the way you want it you just click "save to computer"; and then choose where you want to store it; give it a name and press save.  Just as easy as before and let me tell you, I had a blast at this site - there's sooo much you can do!!!  The tools available were also easy to use, I played around with a few of them and this is what I came up with in no time at all: 

I was able to create this image using the "MangaYou" application and was done in just a few clicks: 

"Image created by Hawiane Tidwell, 2012.
Permission granted to reuse with attribution."

Utilizing the "CartoonYou", I created this one also in just a few clicks:

"Image created by Hawiane Tidwell, 2012.
Permission granted to reuse with attribution."

The next two (2) required just a little more work as the applications need a photo of you.  You can either upload one from your computer or if you have a web cam you can use it to capture the photo.  I used the "MyZooMe" to create this image, I thought it was sooo cute - I think it's my favorite:
"Image created by Hawiane Tidwell, 2012.
Permission granted to reuse with attribution."

And lastly, I used "CaricatureMe" to create this one.  I'm not sure a mother could even love this face.  Kinda scary, huh?

"Image created by Hawiane Tidwell, 2012.
Permission granted to reuse with attribution."

See!  I told you, it's not that hard and it's really a lot of fun - so don't procrastinate.  Go ahead and get started, it will be one less thing you have to worry about later and you will be glad you did!!  :-)

Week 1: Clear - Necessities for Success in Today's Business World

Social Media and Technological Advancements

For years I had resisted partaking in the obvious integration of Social Media (SM) and all the new Technological Advancements (TA) - some of which seemed to be created just for SM or as a result of SM.  My only indulgences were a laptop, an air card and a cell phone.  And I only had those because at that time I was traveling a lot for my job and I needed access to email.  Until August of last year I had successfully avoided social  media and networking like they were a plague. 

However, Fall Semester 2011, I had to take a Social Networking class which was a requirement for a program I recently completed (Career Ladder AS to BS Degree Program in Business Administration).  And quite frankly, I was a little irritated when I first found out I had to complete assignments that required me to be active on several of the major sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, YouTube, and Google.  Yes, I am ashamed to say, I did go kicking and screaming but after a couple of weeks in that class I began to see the power and the value of SM and TA.  I was amazed at how much easier it was to stay connected and I was surprised when I realized how businesses were utilizing these necessary tools for their advantage... 

"Photo taken By alexa fades away , 2010.  Permission granted to reuse with attribution."

I'm really excited about ISM3004 - and looking over the calendar, I can already see I will be venturing into waters I've yet to charter (like this Blog).  Yeah!!  This is a good thing though and I'm ready to go!  I desire to obtain any knowledge, experience and/or skills that could be a catalyst for my professional success and increased competitiveness and human capital value.  According to Chapter 1 of "Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology" by John Gallaugher, today many businesses realize that SM and TA should be a vital part of their strategy for marketing and they desire to hire Managers and other employees who posses the necessary experience and skills. 

For businesses, social media can be used as one-way and/or two-way communication and marketing tactics which allows companies to send a highly targeted message to a large number of potential customers.  And do it very quickly and at costs extremely lower than traditional advertising.  Technology whether direct or indirect is apart of almost every job function and it's use and reliance upon is also continuing to increase. 

Successful companies are those companies that proactively embrace "Our Forever Changing World of Communication and Technology".  They become a part of the social media community by creating Blogs or Twitter feeds or establishing pages on social networking sites like Facebook, etc.  This helps to set them up to successfully achieve their goal of gaining a sustainable competitive advantage.  This is just one (1) of the many reasons why SM and TA is so vital and necessary to businesses.  For more information and/or to see real-life examples, check out these sites on the Web: 
This is also one (1) of the many reasons why these tools are very important to many business professionals like myself and many of you.  As I stated before, I desire to obtain any knowledge, experience and skills I can to help ensure that I become more competitive and marketable - so I'm sure you can see how it is not only important but very necessary.  By doing this, I hope to gain a sustainable competitive edge over my professional peers and I would imagine that if I were to take a poll, the same would be true for many of you.

The class I mentioned I took last year barely covered Blogs.  It basically just provided their definition without any hands on experience.  I'm glad that this will not be the case with ISM3004.  Also from the readings in Chapter 1 of "Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology", I've come to realize that blogging can give anyone a very real and powerful voice and presence in our society.  Many businesses have wised up to this fact and not only do they blog - they also constantly monitor electronic media to ensure that there isn't "anything out there in cyberspace" that could jeopardize their reputation.  The old quote, "The pen is mighter than the sword", can certainly move over and make room for "The keystroke is giving the pen a run for it's money".  With that being said, I found a video on YouTube that gives some pretty good advice on the basics and etiquette of blogging:
"Video Uploaded to YouTube by , 2008. Permission granted to reuse with YouTube Standard License."*             

Now that I've gotten my feet wet regarding blogging, with the help of this class I'm wading out into the deep as fast as I can.  With the information provided by our instructors and another video I found on YouTube, it was easy to create this Blog and I'm loving the hands-on experience.   The video walks you through how to create a Blog on Blogger step-by step.  It will probably answer most, if not all of your questions and it's less than four (4) minutes long - I couldn't believe how easy it was to follow.  So check it out... 

"Video Uploaded to YouTube by , 2011.  Permission granted to reuse with YouTube Standard License."*       

*For those who are wondering what "YouTube Standard License" means - I found a very informative video - you gussed it, yes on YouTube.  Using simple laymans language it explains the copyright and licensing in regards to YouTube and it briefly mentions Creative Commons.  If this issue was "muddy" for you before, this video will definitely help to make it "clearer" - happy blogging...: 

"Video Uploaded to YouTube by , 2011.  Permission granted to reuse with YouTube Standard License."  

Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome to Hawiane's ISM3004 Blog!!!!

  Hello and welcome to my Blog!!  :-)

I'm really excited about this class and I'm especially ecstatic over the fact that even though this is an online class, everyone (Instructors, TAs, classmates, etc.) is so responsive.  I've probably taken over 12 on-line classes in the last two (2) years and I've felt like a "Lone Rider" in the majority of them.  Not the case with ISM3004, the communication has been awesome - all I can say is, "Keep up the good work".