This week has been really interesting. In a few short days, I have learned more about networks and accessing the Internet than I've ever known. Should I ever be responsible for overseeing the design and implementation of an enterprise network - thanks to ISM3004 - I will be ready!
One thing clear to me is that there is no way around networks and the Internet, they are an ever present fact and necessity in the world we live in today. There's no sign of this changing as our dependence on them is continuing to increase as a result of the increased use of the Internet - not just by businesses - but also by private individuals like you and me.
*Image by Timothy Downs. Written Permission granted for reused with attribution.
To ease any concerns regarding security, I utilize WPA2 Encryption. Doing all I can do to maintain the integrity of my VPN is also the reason why I chose DSL over cable. I just wasn't comfortable with the idea of my Internet activity being sent to everyone on the Internet Service Provider's network. The thought of leaving it to the cable modem to handle (deliver or discard) the information correctly & without failures would be just one more thing to worry about for me.
Permission granted for reuse with Wikimedia Commons.
Your needs, preferences, and price-point may lead or have already led you to setup your home or small office network utilizing equipment and/or services that are very different than those I have chosen to use for mine - in most cases you will find this to be true as no two (2) networks will be exactly the same. They are designed to cater to individual needs. Happy surfing!!
*Timothy Downs written consent for reused by Hawiane Tidwell with attribution:
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